Home > May 16: Errands, a New Work Plan and Dividends!

May 16: Errands, a New Work Plan and Dividends!

May 18th, 2014 at 12:09 am

My plan for today was to do some errand-bundling*, draw up a new day-by-day plan for next week** and otherwise take it easy. And that is just what I did, though it included putting into place some big changes in how I allocate my time.

Today was also dividends day!. Ten of the 20-some companies in my portfolio paid their quarterly dividends this week***. So, now that the dividends have been duly credited to my investment accounts, I spent some time checking to make sure they actually came in and adding them up. The total came up to $3349. Yowsir!

Early this morning, I edited my blog article**** "Should I Still Work at Investing?" while enjoying some nice Keurig-brewed Tully's French Roast coffee. Then I "officially" started my day.

8:00am to 12:00noon
-- did the am critter care for the rabbits, chickens, geese, parrots, dogs & cats that are part of our lives
-- monitored and reviewed my stocks*****
-- and did some mundane housework

12:00noon to 4:00pm
-- had lunch
-- did those errands and added a fun library pit stop to pick up some DVDs

4:00pm to 8:00pm
-- played some Pacific War on the computer******
-- tried to do my daily plan for next week but got stuck because the way I have been allocating my time is not working right
-- watered the new plants and put "the barnyard" to bed. (The hens still have to be bodily carried one by one into the geese-and-chicken coop.)

8:00pm to...
-- after dinner, I totally revamped my daily plan structure
-- concluded I must boost task time to 6 hours a day from the 4.5 hours I have been trying to make do
-- I developed an approach to my investing work that takes away the reinvestment pressure and now makes it more like a hobby. (So it does not count as a task now, either!)
-- and then I was able to come up with a base weekly activity plan that may work.

# # #

* The Frugal Game: Errand Bundling:
Text is and Link is

** Making Time For Fun:
Text is and Link is

*** Why I Only Buy Dividend Stocks:
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**** 200 Words A Day That (Hopefully) Matter:
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***** How I Stay On Top Of My Stocks:
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****** My Strategy Games Rainy Day Passion:
Text is and Link is

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