My plan for today included paying bills and other "mandatory" paperwork, cleaning the kitchen (ugh), a trailmarking hike*, a library visit, and some more Pacific War gaming fun**. Oh, and posting a new blog article titled "Optimizing My Use Of Time".
Today was also the day that I scored a 12.5% OVERNIGHT stock profit thanks to stock market idiocy. I will be posting a short article with all the details tomorrow.
Once again, I kicked off my day with good coffee and blog post writing. I continued writing a post I originally titled "Enough Should Be Enough." But I have had an epiphany about my stock portfolio management being "work" while writing today, so I may have to reslant the beginning and retitle.
8am to 12:30pm
-- did the am critter care
-- monitored my stocks***
-- cleaned the kitchen
-- paid the bills
-- made the phone calls, did the follow-ups...
-- watered the wife's plants
12:30pm to 2:30pm
-- lunch
-- mental fun (people must think I'm nuts) planning out the organization of 5 separate theatre-based armies in my Pacific War pc game
2:30pm to 7:00pm
-- went on my hike (and was challenged on the trail by an I-am-standing-my-ground copperhead snake). Ran out of paint so I only did 3 trail marks.
-- did a library stop for more DVDs and some browsing
-- polished up and posted my blog article on "Optimizing The Use of My Time"
7:00pm to ...
-- dinner and a movie. I watched Carlito's Way: Rise To Power. Unexpectedly good.
* My Love Affair With Hiking:
** My Strategy Games Rainy Day Passion:
*** How I Stay On Top Of My Stocks: