Home > May 21: Blog, Blog, Blog and a Boat Surprise!

May 21: Blog, Blog, Blog and a Boat Surprise!

May 23rd, 2014 at 12:13 pm

My plan for today was to draw up some legal papers for a dangling real estate deal, clean house a little and do a "blog blitz". I did all that. But the neat surprise my wife sprung on me pushed my scheduled cost optimizing time block aside.

That is because today was also the day that my wife surprised me upon her return from a family assistance trip by showing up towing a lake boat and trailer!

Over my first cup of coffee, I wrote and posted my May 19th day "what did I do today" blog memo*. Then breakfast and off to "work."

8:00am to 12:00noon
-- first thing (of course) I did the am critter care
-- checked the news on my stocks**
-- swept the house and cleaned the kitchen
-- caught up the laundry
-- drafted two real estate deeds to correct a boundary discrepancy between 2 parcels of land we sold last year

12:00noon to 3:30pm
-- lunch and a DVD lecture on pre-prehistoric man (The Great Diaspora)
-- wrote and posted a May 20th "what did I do today" blog memo
-- played an hour of Pacific War***

3:30 to 8;30pm
-- my wife comes home from a 2-week trip towing a surprise!
-- it is a 12-foot lake boat on a trailer, with a 5-hp outboard motor, a trolling motor and anchor
-- which she got for just $300!
-- and which goes towards my way-behind-schedule $5000 spending spree****
-- so after finding a place in the yard for our new toy, we took a walk around the property to check her new plantings and then went out to dinner

8:30pm to...
-- finished editing and posted my blog article "The Chuckle Benefit of Financial Planning"
-- and played some more Pacific War!

# # #

* 200 Words A Day That (Hopefully) Matter:
Text is and Link is

** How I Stay On Top Of My Stocks:
Text is and Link is

*** My Strategy Games Rainy Day Passion:
Text is and Link is

**** A $5000 No-Guilt Spending Spree
Text is and Link is

1 Responses to “May 21: Blog, Blog, Blog and a Boat Surprise!”

  1. SecretarySaving Says:

    What a great deal on the boat and trailer! Your wife is pretty awesome! Such a great surprise!

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