My plan for today was to crunch through a bunch of household paperwork and to spend a good amount of time developing my TrailWalkers Club (TWC)* business idea. I made good progress.
Over my first cup of coffee, I wrote 200 words or so** on a new blog article that I am titling "LTC Insurance: A Lesser and Necessary Evil". Then breakfast and off to "work."
8:00am to 12:00noon
-- plowed through that paperwork
-- finalized my day plans for next week***
-- used "left over time" to do some housework
12:00noon to 5:30pm
-- lunch and a DVD lecture on prehistoric man (After The Ice Age)
-- developed a "Trail Note" form to document all aspects of a trail hike from trip mileage to costs to trail observations to picture records, etc. Everything on one form from which to write up TWC blog posts and document expenses for tax purposes. The form came out great.
-- updated my TWC accounting and other journal pages
5:30pm to 7:00pm
-- ran a couple of bundled errands****
-- cleaned out the back of my truck
7:00pm to ...
-- dinner and a movie (Donnie Darko)
-- and played Pacific War*****
* For Fun And (Maybe) Profit:
** 200 Words A Day That (Hopefully) Matter:
*** Making Time For Fun:
**** The Frugal Game: Errand Bundling:
***** My Strategy Games Rainy Day Passion: