Home > May 28: Little Mountain Falls Trail (FairyStone Park)

May 28: Little Mountain Falls Trail (FairyStone Park)

June 6th, 2014 at 11:38 am

Today was the first day of my 3-day TrailWalking trip. Not only did I have fun, but this day's hike* also marked the start of my attempt at a hiking-based part-time business**.

My morning was spent actually driving down to my destination area. I arrived at Fairy Stone State Park (VA)*** around noon or so. Had lunch at a picnic table (I always pack my own trip vittles) and planned my hike.

I spent the next 3 hours finding, hiking and photographing Little Mountain Falls Trail.
-- The park trail guide was not very good and neither were the trailhead sign posts.
-- Long story short, I had to hunt for the Little Mountain Falls trail head by cutting through a campground and walking around a closed-gate access road. But I found it.
-- I hiked the 3.3 mile loop trail, which included a panoramic view overlook and the 20-30-foot drop creek waterfall that the trail is named for.
-- And I did my first test of the "TrailWalkers Trail Notes Form" that I developed to record trail observations which I will then use as the basis for a trail report to be posted in my new hiking blog.

With that nice workout under my belt, I drove about another hour to get to the Best Western at Danville, where I spent a very comfortable night.

A good start to the trip!

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* My Love Affair With Hiking:
Text is and Link is

** For Fun And (Maybe) Profit:
Text is and Link is

*** Fairy Stone State Park:
Text is and Link is

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