Home > Don't Short Sell Life After Retirement

Don't Short Sell Life After Retirement

August 26th, 2014 at 07:45 pm

(I now blog weekly on frugal living, personal finance & earlier retirement at:
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Very often, lack of money is not what keeps people from retiring. What keeps them on the job is that they are afraid that they will have nothing to do in retirement. That it will be boring. But I think that's nonsense.

Of course there is life after retirement!

Since I earlier retired some 14 years ago, most of the time I have not even had time to be bored. I've always had a new personal project in the works to get interested in. Or a trip to plan. Or a home improvement project to ramrod. Always there has been something. Usually more than one something.

I really think people who actually become bored in retirement, not knowing what to do with themselves, have sold themselves way short. They just won't sit down to look inside themselves to find the things they would like -- even love -- to do. They just won't give themselves a chance.

And that's a shame. Because they could be having a great time in retirement. Like I am.

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4 Responses to “Don't Short Sell Life After Retirement”

  1. doingitallwrong Says:

    In fairness, there are also some people that just love their jobs, and wouldn't want to be doing anything else. My boss is one of them. He's 82 years old and has no plans to retire, although he's got more than enough money to do so if he wished. But he loves what he does, and doesn't want to give it up. (Granted, he owns the business so he's not punching a clock, he comes in when he feels like and goes home to take a nap most afternoons. Smile )

    I am not one of those people Smile but I have no doubt I will find plenty to fill my days once I do retire!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I think my husband has some concerns about being bored in retirement. I know he will retire, and I just think that his work load has been such that he hasn't had the time to pursue some interests and hobbies. I'll help guide him along and we will be fine!

  3. Retired To Win Says:

    doingitallwrong Says:

    "In fairness, there are also some people that just love their jobs, and wouldn't want to be doing anything else. My boss is one of them. He's 82 years old and has no plans to retire, although he's got more than enough money to do so if he wished. But he loves what he does, and doesn't want to give it up. (Granted, he owns the business so he's not punching a clock, he comes in when he feels like and goes home to take a nap most afternoons."

    It's the exception that always proves the rule. Wink

  4. Retired To Win Says:

    creditcardfree Says:

    "I think my husband has some concerns about being bored in retirement. I know he will retire, and I just think that his work load has been such that he hasn't had the time to pursue some interests and hobbies. I'll help guide him along and we will be fine!"


    Thanks for the reply. Having someone to do things with, go places with, etc is a definite PLUS to overcome the inertia I talk about in one of this series' articles. It also makes for more fun!

    Good luck.

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